How I Help
Holistic Health
Naturopath Houston Texas
What is holistic health?
Holistic health is an approach to life, which rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this approach to health considers the whole person. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit.
The whole concept behind the mind-body-spirit connection is that we are more than just our thoughts.
In fact, our bodies, our emotions, and our spirituality and all these things combined give us identity, determine our health, and make us who we are.
That said, mind-body-spirit means that our wellness comes from spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. In order words, to be healthy, we must maintain balance and connection of all those aspects of our nature.
Holistic Health is an emphasis on human values, love and caring are components of healing. Body systems are dynamic for achievement of wellness. Pain and disease are useful information about conflict and disharmony, though and emotion are primary or co-equal factor in all illness.

Physical Health is the well-being of the body and the proper functioning of the organism. That involves maintaining a healthy body, lifestyle, diet, exercise regularly, moderate sun exposure, adequate sleep, fasting, nutrition and practice forgiveness.
You can follow a few steps described below to improve your physical health, which also means maintaining fitness as it increases energy levels, improves muscle strength and brain function. It also helps maintain a healthy weight, which can be achieved by eating foods that contain vitamins and minerals as well as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and of course getting enough good quality sleep.
Physical Health help us to make more conscious choices. We would like to start encouraging you to work more with alignment of frequency at purely physical level we need mineral carbs, fats, water, vitamins, protein. Eating too much of anything, even healthy foods, are no longer healthy, so it is all about balance and moderation across the board.

Emotional Health starts when we have created an environment where we feel safe and supported. The most common expression of emotions is crying. Crying is normal when we accept and have consciousness about ongoing issues that we may be dealing with. It is one’s emotional release of letting go or releasing suppressed emotions. Emotion is a protective feeling and helps shield ourselves from others.
Emotional health refers to a person’s feelings which contains the thoughts and reactions about that particular person. So, if you can understand yourself and find out the origin of your emotions, then you will be setting yourself up for a lifetime of consistent success.
There are many ways to improve or maintain good emotional health, such as finding purpose and meaning, expressing your feelings in appropriate ways managing stress, connecting with others, etc.

Mental health is a level of psychological, emotional and social well-being. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment.
To maintain mental health, you have to be confident and accept yourself. For example, breathing exercises helps you to focus and keep negative thoughts out of the mind. Also, talking about your feelings, keeping active, eating well can help you maintain good mental health.
Mental health is the capacity to cope and adjust to ongoing stress of everyday life. It helps determine how we handle stress related to others and make choices. Stress is a natural response of the body to any demand for change.
Mental health is the ability to live without fear, guilt or anxiety, an ability to control one’s own behavior, an ability to work and be productive, an ability to love and experience joy, and experience empathy towards others. It helps to manage interpersonal conflict constructively and boost creativity and productivity.
We have to supply the nerve structure with good nourishment or start eliminating toxic material that has accumulate in the body. The mind cannot be set apart as an entirely disassociate entity. No mind has ever existed that was entirely free from the influence of bodily processes, primitive impulses, infantile expressions, conventional reactions and traditional knowledge.

Spiritual Health is when you transcend the mind to higher knowledge which can only be obtained with peace of mind and daily devotion. Spiritual recovery begins when you allow your mind to be completely silent and align your inner self with the Divine.
Spiritual Health is the path to inner peace regardless of the turmoil around you. You can obtain spiritual health with faith, forgiveness, hope, joy, love, and sense of purpose. This helps people easily accept and cope with health disorders.
A strong spirit helps you survive and thrive with grace, even in the face of adversaries. You can gain spirituality by growing in your personal relationships with loved ones, or through being at peace with your environment. When you take care of your spirit, you will be able to experience a sense of peace and purpose even when life presents you difficulties. Because spiritual wellness involves one’s values, beliefs and purpose, it can also be achieved in several methods, both physically and mentally, by looking for your deep desires through prayer, meditation, and other forms of self-expression.
Behavioral and lifestyle changes help us modify our regular thought patterns and monitor our reactions to the environment. The imbalances that we hold in our body can be reached in part by shifting our consciousness around long-standing belief about ourselves and how we interact with others.
Boost in Life Health & Wellness Center has helped many people in the city of Houston, Texas as well as overseas with issues such as metabolic disorders, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, pain and stress management, energy imbalances, emotional health, and many more health issues.